By: Gretchen Healey
In:Asia, Indonesia, Ketambe Research Facility, WPS NewsTags: Forum Konservasi Leuser, Leuser National Park, orangutans, Sumatra, Sumatran rhino, WPS Research Camp
Jan 22, 2015
WPS has completed its world-class research facility to use as its base of operations for protecting the Leuser Ecosystem – the last place on earth where rhinos, tigers, elephants and orangutans share the same habitat. The Indonesian NGO, FKL (FORUM KONSERVASI LEUSER) , will manage the research facility which will be available for orangutan and rhino researchers. WPS will also use the research facility to test its protection technology, including camera traps, which send images to a central ‘Command and Control’ dashboard in real time, utilizing a Mesh Network. This system allows ‘eyes on the forest’ in one of the most remote places in the world. WPS is excited to use some of the same technology we have implemented in South Africa to protect the white and black rhino, but modified for the rain forests of Northern Sumatra. The first researchers arrive in February after an opening ceremony, including a visit from the PHKA Director of Ministry of Forestry and Environment in Jakarta.
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